The release of new data on the ongoing demand for Specialist Disability Accommodation is expected to stimulate investment in the sector even further.

For the first time the National Disability Insurance Agency will release details on the pressure for specialised housing solutions across Australia with data broken down to Level 3 Statistical Areas. These distinct geographical regions will help the agency and registered providers identify areas in greatest need.

NDIS Minister Stuart Robert said SDA dwellings are vital as they give people with disability independence and a place of their own where they can feel secure and comfortable.

“As the number of participants with SDA funding continues to rise, it’s important we continue to see further growth in the number of providers offering these living options,” he said. “By publishing this additional data, it will help providers understand where there is greatest demand which in turn should stimulate investment in those areas.”

The NDIA recently published a new page on the NDIS website identifying the existing SDA matching platforms, which helps participants search for housing solutions that meet their requirements.

The government has announced measures designed to make it easier for eligible participants to access high quality specialist disability housing, giving them greater choice over where and with whom they live.

As of June 30, 2020 there were almost 15,000 NDIS participants with SDA funding in their plans. More information on SDA can be found at