Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) is seeking expressions of interest for its new project, Take Charge of Change.
The project aims to help CYDA’s community with the big moments of change in life, from starting a new job to taking up a new hobby.
CYDA is looking for 40 young people with disability, parents, and caregivers to co-design practical resources as part of the set-up of the Take Charge of Change project.
If you’re interested, you can apply for one of four co-design groups:
- Parents and caregivers of children with disability aged 0 – 7
- Parents and caregivers of children with disability aged 0 – 12
- Young people with disability aged 13 – 17
- Young people with disability aged 18 – 25
These people will help create resources that will equip disabled young people and families with the tools and knowledge to thrive as they go through life changes.
If you’d like to help, visit CYDA’s website to express your interest.