Susan Ryan OPTION2The Human Rights Commission is conducting a national inquiry into employment discrimination. The inquiry will focus on people with disability as well as older workers. Representatives from the Commission will be present at the ATSA Independent Living Expo in Sydney on May 13 to field inquiries  and assist with registering for more information.

The inquiry will examine practices, attitudes and Commonwealth laws that deny or diminish equal participation in employment to these groups and make recommendations to Commonwealth laws that should be amended, or action taken to address such discrimination. It intends consulting with people with disability, and other relevant stakeholders, peak employer and employee industry bodies and advocacy groups. A call for submissions and details for consultations around the country will be announced soon. The Inquiry will be headed by Age and Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Susan Ryan (pictured).

While people with disability make up 15 per cent of the working age population, only 10 per cent have jobs with one in three discrimination complaints received by the Commission related to disability.

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