ACCC releases guidance to assist people with disability when buying goods and services. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Consumer Law regulators have released a range of materials that give consumers with disability useful information about their rights under Australian Consumer Law. It includes videos, fact sheets, industry guidance and a consumer guide which outline the rights and obligations of consumers and businesses in the disability sector. These have been made available to empower people with disability to use their consumer rights when buying goods and services under the NDIS.
The resources have been developed with the support of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in consultation with disability support organisations, disability advocates and disability complaint bodies.
The ACCC has warned new and existing businesses that they must comply with their obligations under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, which includes Australian Consumer Law.
“During the NDIS roll out we expect to see a range of new entrants in the market which is good for competition but we are concerned about the potential for unscrupulous traders to take advantage of vulnerable consumers,” ACCC deputy chair, Delia Rickard said.
The resources are free and available from . Hard copies are available from local, state and territory consumer protection agencies.