Tasmania now has a disability health strategy. The State government says the strategy will ensuring Tasmanians with disability have access to high-quality, inclusive public health services. It was informed by […]
Category: Disability Royal Commisssion
AFDO looks for lived experience
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) is on the hunt for Lived Experience Team Members to work on its Disability Quality and Safeguarding Project. The organisation recognises how important it […]
Ideas sought for First Nations disability forum
The Department of Social Services is seeking community views on the establishment of a forum of governments and First Nations people with disability to work together on improving services and […]
Australia updates its Disability Strategy
Updates to Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 will see a greater focus on addressing homelessness and housing issues amongst people with disability. The updated strategy was released late on Tuesday, and […]
Shorten increases NDIS penalties
NDIS Minister Bill Shorten has announced significant new penalties for those who hurt or injure an NDIS participant – bringing legislation into line with WHS penalties. Shorten announced the second […]
Have your say on Australia’s Disability Strategy
The Federal government is inviting people to have their say on Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031, with public consultation now open via the DSS Engage website. Easy Read and Auslan versions […]
Government responds to Disability Royal Commission
After ten months, the Federal government handed down the Commonwealth’s response to the landmark Disability Royal Commission last week. And in a move that has disappointed many in the disability […]
Enacting an Australian Disability Rights Act
Disability Rights Act a topic of a discussion at webinar.
Landmark Disability Royal Commission Final Report released
The largest investigation into the lives of people with disability was tabled in Federal Parliament with 222 recommendations for change with government announcing it will establish a Commonwealth Taskforce to […]
National Redress Scheme calls for more submissions
A parliamentary committee inquiring into the operation of the National Redress Scheme is currently looking into a range of areas, including, the experience of First Nations applicants and applicants with […]
Collaboration vital for linguistically diverse people with disability
A Royal Commission report found that while many governments, businesses, NFPs and community organisations have policies or programs that support the inclusion of people with disability and from culturally and […]
Disability Royal Commission launching national information sessions
The Disability Royal Commission will roll out national information sessions “What Australia Told Us!” that will share major themes heard from people with disability and the community throughout the course […]