“The NDIS needs fixing.” These opening words from NDIS Minister Bill Shorten in his address to the National Disability Summit, summed up what has been tumultuous few days for the scheme […]
Category: NDIS
Hearing examining NDIS barriers for First Nations people
The Disability Royal Commission has commenced hearing the operation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in remote communities. Public hearing 25 will explore key barriers to accessing the NDIS and […]
Getting the NDIS ‘back on track’
While there are positive aspects around the NDIS, communication between the National Disability Insurance Agency, services providers, advocates, carers and people with disability was not happening as it should, according […]
Call for NDIS to return to ‘original intent.’
In one of his first major speeches to the disability community, NDIS Minister Bill Shorten has described the next three years of Labor Government as an “exciting opportunity to return […]
Independence Australia and Zest Care to unite
Independence Australia and Zest Care Australia will join forces on July 1, a change intended to better serve the interests of people living with disability as a new, unified organisation, […]
New digital device for managing NDIS funds
A tool that enables NDIS participants to get an estimate of how much their supports costs, plan ahead, manage and fully utilise their budgets, is now available. The NDIS Budget […]
Election promises: Funding and the NDIS
The Coalition and Labor have released details of their disability initiatives in the run-up to the election. There will be a funding boost from the Coalition with a $28 million […]
New ‘NDIS Know-how’ podcast
A new podcast, NDIS Know-how, has been launched to help NDIS participants get a better understanding of new funding changes as well as assist them with their NDIS plan. “Every […]
New home supports for NDIS participants
Changes to make it easier for NDIS participants to access home and living supports, including to SIL, have been announced. NDIS Minister Linda Reynolds said the short-and-medium term improvements will […]
Disability election platform takes off
Disability advocates want the next Federal Government to deliver people with disability greater Covid protection, along with improved employment, financial security and better housing through the NDIS. Disability […]
NDIS legislation to improve participant experience
New reforms to reduce red tape and increase flexibility for NDIS participants has been passed in Parliament. It follows two years of consultation with NDIS participants, their providers, support workers […]
Community forum raises concerns about the NDIS
“A high proportion of people are contacting us about their NDIS plans, and depending on their case officer, there can be a lot of discrepancies with outcomes,” according to MP […]