National Disability Insurance Agency strengthens NDIS employment supports.
Category: NDIS
Update on Royal Commission reforms
Government releases progress report on disability reforms.
WA launches early childhood pilot program
World-first program for babies with delays in social interaction and communication skills.
National Disability Data Asset Council meets
National Disability Data Asset Council holds its first meeting.
Shorten announces NDIS taskforce
Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten, has announced a new taskforce to improve NDIS registrations. Working alongside people with disability, the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce is designed to […]
Share your NDIS experience
If you have experience in using or applying for the NDIS, your views are needed to help guide the Centre for Disability Research and Policy’s submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry […]
NDIS Foundational Supports Strategy gets underway
The Federal Government is funding a strategy to introduce Foundational Supports as part of a new approach that will affect NDIS participants and non-participants.
Eco-friendly waterproof underwear
Toilet training solutions for children with autism, spina bifida and other conditions.
NDIS shakeup an opening for states
State governments need to provide ‘foundational supports’ for schools and early childhood education.
Landmark cerebral palsy study shows benefits of exercise
Children with cerebral palsy have reported significant gains in cardiovascular fitness and mobility after taking part in a landmark research project led by The University of Queensland, with applications to participate in an expanded trial now open.
Updated legislation strengthens disability support services
Updated quality and safeguards for people with disability outside the NDIS have been announced, with the new Disability Services and Inclusion Act 2023.