Two hands holding each other.

Consultation on a discussion paper about the new National Carer Strategy has now opened.

The discussion paper is a key part of ensuring the Strategy is responsive to the needs of carers, and provides the foundations for an Australian community where all carers are recognised, valued and empowered.

“We want to hear from unpaid carers, former carers and the support sector about their experiences and how we can better support them both in their caring role and other aspects of their lives,” Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth said.

A series of face-to-face consultations will also be held around the country in order to gain a diverse range of experiences. The government will also consult with the National Carer Advisory Committee, which was established earlier this year.

“We need to ensure supports for carers are appropriately designed and prioritised, enabling them to better balance their caring role with all aspects of their lives, such as work, study and social participation,” Rishworth said.

The Strategy will allow Federal government policy to be coordinated across aged care, disability, veterans’ affairs, and mental health and will provide the vision, principles, governance and some immediate actions, with a roadmap to delivering and implementing further action plans over the life of the Strategy.

The government has committed to delivering a National Carer Strategy by the end of the year.

Carers who wish to contribute but may not have the time to submit a formal submission can do so by answering a series of short questions online on issues that are most relevant and important to them.

More information is available on the DSS engage website, and consultation closes on 13 September 2024.