Reach & Match Learning Kit is for children with sensory impairment, intellectual and physical delays. The award winning design empowers children to learn through play-based activities in a mainstream setting.  A fun, thoughtful and high quality curriculum tool it assists with developing literacy and acquiring early concepts of space and positional play, motor, communication and social skills.

The creator of the kit, social designer and engineer, Mandy Lau, collaborated with childhood educators, therapists and parents to design 30+ activities and games based on seven learning outcomes including Braille & Print Learning, Cognitive Skills, Sensory Integration, Sense of Satisfaction, Language Enrichment, Body Movement and Social Interaction.

Reach & Match has received local and international design awards including an Australian Good Design Award and Monash University vice-chancellor’s Social Inclusion Design Award.

Each kit contains four sensory mats, 26 braille and print sensory tiles, one cushion and bag and an activity manual.

For details visit: or video: