The NDIS is working on new guidance and information about supports for children under 13 years on the autism spectrum and want interested parties to contribute.
Have your say will help fund supports in a way that is clear, consistent and fair. Read the ‘Interventions for children on the autism spectrum’ consultation paper and make a submission by responding to the questions in the paper. An Easy Read version is also available or provide further on: virtual events
Submissions close May 14, 2021, 10am, AEST.
New planning guidelines and resources information is also available on how to use NDIS funding for certain supports and services.
The details are:
- Creating your Plan: Explains what participants can expect from the NDIS it creates a plan, what happens during a planning conversation and how to be prepared
- Reasonable and Necessary: Explains how the NDIS makes decisions about funding for reasonable and necessary supports
- Your Plan: Explains what happens when the plan is approved and how participants can start using their plan.
“Would we fund it?”: Is a catalogue that advises what supports may or may not be funded.
The NDIS has also published ‘Principles we follow to create your plan’ to help understand how it makes decisions about which supports can be funded in a plan. These new resources are intended to deliver on its commitment in the Participant Service Improvement Plan to provide more clarity around how it makes decisions and be transparent in its decision making.
The NDIS is continuing to provide regular training to staff to support their decision-making as consistent, transparent and accessible as possible.
The new format guidelines do not make any changes to the planning process but explain existing processes in more detail.