The National Mental Health Commission (NMHC) and People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is bringing Making Connections for Your Mental Health and Wellbeing program (Connections2022) to people living with disability.

The Commission will host an online forum on October 21, from 2pm – 3pm, and is inviting people to share their everyday experiences of mental health and suicide preventions systems and what improvements look and feel like for them.

The webinar will ask and address these key questions:

  • How have things changed for mental health issues affecting people living with a disability since 2019?
  • What are the most important mental health issues to focus on now?
  • What does “better” mental health look like and how will we know if things are getting better?

NMHC CEO Christine Morgan will introduce panellists that include Nicole Lee (family violence survivor and disability advocate); Clare Gibellini (disability advocate and PWDA vice president) and Andrew Fairbairn (PDA WA president).

Information gathered from the forum will be used in future work of the Commission, advice to Government on systems improvements and develop the National Outcomes Framework. 

Participants can register to attend here: