For a person who cannot walk independently or sits for long hours in a wheelchair, an adaptive tricycle not only provides therapy, but also healthy outdoor fun and social interaction with family and friends. 

Therapeutic benefits of cycling include increased muscle strength and joint mobility, improved core strength and balancing skills. Steering also helps develop visual, spatial perception and the movement pattern of reciprocal (alternate) leg motion engages both sides of the brain. 

The Schuchmann Momo Tricycle is beautifully designed to provide both therapeutic and riding pleasure with features that optimise comfort and ease of pedaling. 

Features include:

  • Low centre of gravity, ultra-low bar and wide frame makes it easy to get on and off the trike safely and independently   
  • Multi-directional seating adjustments
  • Choice of standard rigid drive with 7-speed gear freewheel brake hub version or the option of electrical support
  • Available in six sizes to suit all ages and there is a selection of frame colours.

Apex Mobility has stock available NOW with more arriving next month.  Stocks available are from the fast ship range which can be delivered to most Australian addresses in 7-10 days (subject to availability). 

For more details call: 1300 212 192 or email:

You can view details on the Momo Trike and other products in the Schuchmann range by downloading the brochure HERE: