Novita assistive technology and equipment services are being delivered from a new facility at Thebarton, Adelaide. The new site for the Novitatech Assistive Technology Centre follows transition from a site in Regency Park.

Novitatech offers the latest in customised solutions to support young people and adults living with disability to live independently and achieve their life goals. 3D orthotics, high-tech communication devices, wheelchair and seating and home modifications are among the services delivered by the Novitatech team.

 A special feature of the new facility is the assistive technology showroom, which gives clients and their families a space to inspect and try some of the devices and equipment.

Assisting at the opening were 13-year-old Deanne Key who has cerebral palsy and eight-year-old Tiffany Constable who uses traditional and 3D designed braces to support her legs.

A new Central Therapy hub recently opened at Hindmarsh, a hydrotherapy and gym facility has been developed at Welland while Novita Day Options and community programs have found  a new home at West Croydon.