Dougie Herd, an older man in a wheelchair, wearing a pink shirt and navy blue pants.
Dougie Herd

Physical Disability Australia is hosting a talk looking at the history, success, failure and future of the NDIS, presented by disability advocate Dougie Herd, pictured.

His experiences as a member of the NDIA’s senior executive leadership team in preparation to the launch of the NDIS, and where the NDIS needs to go moving forward will lead the conversation for attendees.

PDA president, Andrew Fairbairn, said the NDIS was a bold move at its inception and continues to grow and develop as it gets older. “Dougie’s vast wealth of experience and knowledge of the NDIS as a NDIS participant, is sure to be informative.”

The event is open to NDIS participants, carers, providers, support workers, government employees, a refused NDIS applicant and supporters of the disability community.

The event will be held on August 24 at 6.30pm. It will have live captioning and attendees can advise of other access requirements when registering.

To register go to:

Photo: The Canberra Times