An airplane wing in the sky at sunset.

Australia’s leading accessible and inclusive tourism conference is coming to Melbourne next month.

The Accessible and Inclusive Tourism Conference (AITCAP) will land in Melbourne on Tuesday 27 August for its fourth event. AITCAP connects the tourism and leisure industry with the knowledge they need to be more inclusive and accessible.

More than 300 delegates are expected to attend. Keynote speakers, industry leaders and tourism operators will discuss:

  • Melbourne Accessibility Showcase
  • Co-Designing Accessible and Inclusive Experiences
  • Accessible Tourism Insights by Expedia
  • Inclusive Marketing
  • Inclusive Employment
  • Pathway to Accessibility
  • Accessibility Innovations
  • All Questions Answered – hear from a panel of travellers with lived experience
  • Accessible and Inclusive Tourism – A Global Perspective

Confirmed speakers include Felicia Mariani, Chief Executive Officer at Victoria Tourism Industry Council, Bern Walker, Beach Access Project Officer at Accessible Beaches, and James (Buck) McFarlane, Founder & Managing Director of Cocky Guides Australia.

Find the full program or purchase tickets on the AITCAP website.